Lily Alsept

Medical Assistant

As a Medical Assistant at Winston Center, Lily Alsept provides patient care and clinical triage. With a compassionate and knowledgeable approach, Lily ensures our clients feel supported and confident.

Prior to becoming a medical assistant, Lily served as a receptionist at Winston Center. Her warm demeanor welcomed many clients to our clinic and she’s excited to play a bigger role in their treatment pathway.

Lily’s background as a preschool teacher and active volunteer at four Spokane elementary school gives her invaluable insight on working with children with learning differences. She’s passionate about supporting kids’ well-rounded development and helping them thrive. In fact, when music was removed from a local school’s curriculum, Lily and a few friends taught a music class until it was brought back into the schedule.

In addition to her Medical Assistant Certification, Lily also has a bachelor’s degree in art and a Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Certificate from Gonzaga University. Moreover, Lily earned first-aid and early childhood certifications.

For Lily, spare time is usually spent in her art studio where she primarily works with oil paints. She is also taking golf lessons. An animal lover, she has had many pets over the years, including a horse, turtle and (most recently) a puppy.